Sunday, 11 January 2015

So long and thanks for all the fish!

Well, thats it! This marks the end of my assessed blogging endeavours. Over the last few months we have investigated a range of topics relating to the environmental impacts of an increasing population with a particular focus on Hong Kong. The topics covered include the following:

Impacts of agriculture on the environment including algal blooms;
Environmental impacts on marine ecology;
Land reclamation;
Air Pollution.

I have also touched upon possible solutions for some of these environmental issues.

From all the research I have undertaken, I think its clear for all to see that pollution is a really serious issue in Hong Kong and that whilst efforts are being made by the Hong Kong Government to improve the situation, it will be an uphill struggle as demands become greater from an increasing population.

I hope that you have enjoyed reading my posts over the last few months and have learnt a lot. I know I have and it has certainly made me more aware of how fragile our planet is.

Thanks again for tuning in, and because you know you want it here’s another porpoise:

Courtesy of

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